
Qiskit Summer Jam 2020

I hosted the IBM Qiskit Summer Jam at NC State in association with the Quantum Information Club at NC State and the Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society. As the host of the event, I organized the participants by creating and advertising the event to various campus organizations, helped facilitate team formation, and hosted the introduction and presentation portion of the event. Our hackathon project on the application of a Quantum Random Walk algorithm to a PageRank like method.

Qiskit Hackathon Global

Qiskit Hackathon Global was an invite-only event which took place over a 24 hour hacking period. With a team of five other students, we expanded on the Qiskit functionality for computing the quantum volume for a backend system. This included streamlining the job management system to automatically run the calculations required for convergence to a threshold, displaying the quantum volume results in an understandable way, and choosing the optimal qubits and connections to perform the computation on. Hackathon Webpage Here

Universal Operator Decomposition

My final project for a course on the mathematical foundations of quantum computing focused on existing algorithms for performing efficient gate decomposition of arbitrary n-qubits operators.